Motion is Lotion | 8 Minutes
Done lying on your back, this gentle practice lubricates the joints
Morning Energy | 5 Minutes
Cat- Child- Downward Dog to bring energy and circulation to the whole back of the body
Forward Bends II | 8 Minutes
Safe and therapeutic stretches to loosen tight leg muscles while keeping the back safe
Biomechanical Happy Places | 7 Minutes
Create and sense optimal alignment sitting, standing and lying down
TLC for the Head, Neck, Shoulders & Hands | 10 Minutes
This is a seated practice that can be done in a chair or in Hero Pose. We begin by aligning the spine and then activating, stretching and releasing the neck muscles.
Standing Poses | 15 Minutes
Sun Salutations | 10 Minutes
Align | 10 Minutes
Morning Yoga | 25 Minutes
Wake Up And Move | 25 Minutes
Forward Bends | 15 Minutes
Strengthen Your Back | 10 Minutes